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Bangalore Open Air 2014 - Crowdfunding Kampagne

Heute möchten wir auf eine ganz besondere Aktion unseres Freundes und Partners Salman U. Sayed (seines Zeichens Veranstalter des Metal-Battle in Indien) hinweisen.
Dieser organisiert in seiner Heimat Indien das Bangalore Open Air, welches sich in den letzten 2 Jahren zur ersten und einzigen Bastion des Metals in Indien gemausert hat.
Da das durchführen einer solchen Veranstaltung in Indien alles andere als einfach ist und gerade der finanziellen Sektor ein kritisches Thema ist, entschied man sich in diesem Jahr den Weg des Crowdfunding zu gehen.
Hier der offizielle Pressetext:
"The first edition of Bangalore Open Air saw the light of day two years ago in 2012 with the sole aim to become India’s biggest heavy metal festival and to solidify a growing bond between metalheads all over the country and the world over. It was the dawn of a new age with German heavyweights Kreator and Suidakra joining the best the Indian metal scene had to offer for an entire day of unmitigated and unadulterated heavy metal. While the festival was a major success in terms of the quality of the headlining acts as well as the fan turnout and immense positive feedback, massive post-festival financial fall outs threatened to put an end to the event even reaching its second year.
Undeterred by these constraints the second edition went ahead in 2013 with a massive lineup that included legendary acts like Iced Earth, Ihsahn and Dark Tranquillity performing along with immensely talented and diverse acts like Animals as Leaders and Leprous. The festival received an incredible response from metalheads in India and all over Asia who travelled all the way to Bangalore to witness history in the making.
Despite Bangalore Open Air quickly garnering a fantastic reputation in a short span of time, concerns continued to linger over the huge financial overheads and losses that the festival was exposed to. It was sink or swim time.
Come 2014, Bangalore Open Air will continue to go ahead against all odds except this time it will go down the crowd funding route that the festival sees as opening a direct and intimate connection with the fans. No more will there be corporate honchos dictating what should or shouldn’t be done. This time the festival will be run for the fans by the fans and most importantly for the music we all love.
However, this cannot be done alone. We appeal to the support of metalheads all over the world to contribute in whatever way they can to keep metal alive in India and to ensure that this music we all hold so dear to us will continue to stand strong in the face of adversity.
With Bangalore Open Air powered by the biggest metal festival in the world, Wacken Open Air, the festival aims to ensure that metalheads in India, Asia and the rest of the world will continue to stand together under one flag."
Und hier geht es zur Crowdfunding Seite:
Help India to keep Metal Alive!
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