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Suicide Silence - R.I.P. Mitch Lucker
Eine traurige Nachricht für die Metal Community:
Gestern verstarb Suicide Silence Sänger Mitch Lucker an den Folgen eines tragischen Motorrad-Unfalls
Hier das Statement von Nuclear Blast:
"It is with great sadness and regret this morning that we have to report that Mitch Lucker, vocalist of SUICIDE SILENCE, passed away a few hours ago due to injuries sustained during a motorcycle accident.
"Nuclear Blast would like to offer our condolences to his family, friends, band members and fans worldwide who are affected by this loss. He left us doing what he loved to do most.
"He was 28 years old and will be sorely missed.
"Fans are encouraged to share their memories, photos of Mitch and condolences on the band's official Facebook page."