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Arrival Information for W:O:A 2017

Certainly a lot of you are already busy with packing luggage for the journey to the 28th Wacken Open Air! And that's exactly the reason why we've summarized all important info about the upcoming journey.
Please consider the following:
-> The camping area opens on Monday July 31st, at 03:00 pm. An earlier arrival or access to the camping areas is not possible!
-> If possible please use the attractive offerings from bus and railway. Check out the travel portal for more information and also our traffic foreceast which has collected data from our recent traffic survey. There you can see the current peak hours. So you'll create a jam- and stress-free journey.
->Include enough time for your journey planning - there are currently lots of construction works on the roads of Germany.
->Take attention of the conduction signs and the information on our well-known Wacken Mobile App.
Advice to all users of navigation systems:
Only use navigation systems until you achieve the sign-posted travel route. From that point on you can trust our guidance-system. Much more important is this fact for your departure! Because then we are depend on the fact that not all of you hit the same freeway. So please follow our departure-advices, even if they look like a detour. Please use your navigation system not before you are on the freeway. At least this helps to prevent the traffic-jam in Northern Germany. ATTENTION: For the departure we use both, freeway A 23 and freeway A 7 as the route towards south-direction.
We also ask all people who arrive with private organized bus tours to register at our bus tour portal This makes the dispatch of the busses much easier and grants a continuous traffic flow. Same goes for the departure because every bus needs a pass which will only be handed out after registering in our bus portal. In case of questions write an e-mail to:
On spot
-> Please have your tickets ready – Searching for tickets means hectic for you and waiting time for all the others.
-> Please follow the instructions of the stewards and use the assigned areas. They gladly answer your question – after you have parked your car.
-> Keep free traffic- and escape routes. Otherwise you will be towed off - Traffic and escape routes are marked with barrier tape and are really important for rescue vehicles and firefighters.
-> Keep in mind, that you have to follow the parking- and camping regulations at all areas.
-> Please also keep in mind our visitor, parking and camping regulations: There will be each two rows of vehicles and in the space between them. There you can build up all your tents and other camping items - The ruts behind your car will serve as traffic and escape route for you and rescue / emergency forces.
Happy Metal Camper Park / Moshtel
->Camping Area Y and R as well as the Moshtel: Guests who have booked services of the Camperpark Wacken and reserved a spot for their Camper on Campground Y and R as well as Moshtel guests will be guided one after another from the "Hopstieker Weg" to the assigned gates 1 to 4. Please follow the instructions of the stewards!
-> Moshtel guests have to arrive until Wednesday 02:00 pm – otherwise they have to park at the day parking lot in Gribbohm and travel the remaining distance by foot
Campers and Caravans
-> Campers and trailers without any booked additional services (f.e. Camperpark services) will be guided to separate camping areas – please follow the camper signs. Please consider that in case of adverse weather conditions we have to prohibit the access to the camping areas for vehicles with a higher weight than 3,5 tons.
Tractors need to arrive until Monday July 31st, 2017 at 12h noon where they have the exceptional permission to unhitch trailers. The tractors themselves are not allowed to remain on the area and need to return the following Sunday from 12.00 noon on to pickup the trailer. Drivers who want leave their tractors in proximity can use the day parking lot in Gribbohm.
Please also check out our clips from the Wacken Guide Series:
We thank you for your support and wish you a relaxed and secure journey without any breakdowns.
See you in Wacken - rain or shine
W:O:A team