This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
Beverage & Merchandise offers at the W:O:A supermarkets and breakfast tents.

Also at Wacken 2016 there will be lots of beverage and merchandise offers at the supermarkets.
Whether it be Beck's, Jägermeister , Monster Energy trays, CocaCola or Wacken Coffee there is a wide range of beverages to chose from at the several supermarkets and breakfast stands.
As known from the previous years you can decant your beverages from glass bottle into the Wacken Spirit PET bottles for free.
If you have forgotten something important of your camping equipment than you can also take a look at the supermarkets.You can find things like camping chairs, dust masks, towels and more there.
Check out the second flyer on the right to get an impression of the offered articles.
The exact positions of the W:O:A supermarkets and breakfast tents can be found on our Campground MAPS.