Cashless payment at W:O:A 2023 - First info!
Dear Metalheads,
2023 we will again have cashless payment on the entire W:O:A festival site!
This means that the system is used across the board at all stands for merch, food and drinks. You simply pay with a chip that is integrated into your festival wristband.
There will be no cash at the W:O:A. That means no more trips to the ATM, you don't run the risk of losing your money and the waiting times at all stands and bars are significantly reduced!
Of course, we used the experience we gathered last year as well as your feedback and further improved the system and expanded the on-site service / top-up stations and distributed them better across the entire site.
Approximately in mid-July you will be able to top up your credit in advance with enough money to not have to worry about the rest of the festival! We will inform you as soon as the event platform is available!
All other questions on that subject are answered in our extensive cashless payment FAQ, which also includes a quick guide!
W:O:A team