This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
Finally – W:O:A has a new shop > more than faster*harder*louder!
From May 26th, 2010 on we finally have a now online store and are opening the
W:O:A Full:Metal:Shop (
In the future you will find all merchandice products around Wacken excluselively here. From the classical shirt over CDs and DVDs, Caps to hoodies, girlie shirts and kids wear – and all that in the known W:O:A quality.
For the ones who want to buy all that W:O:A outdoor stuff we can offer a special service. Just order your things in the Full:Metal:Shop and collect it at the festival! No dragging of tents, camping chairs or sleeping bags and more space in your car for beer. Just click the link below!
But the Full:Metal:Shop offers a lot more than this! Additional to all W:O:A products we can provide many more heavy metal articles – with no frills. Only for metalheads!
From A to Z, from AC/DC to Zodiac Mindwarp all bands of every genre are represented here and you can buy everything a real metalheads dreams of. And of course the latest Wacken News will be published there.
This means, more choices and more service in good ol’ Wacken style!
As a special action for the start of the Full:Metal:Shop, the first 500 purchaser will get a special goodie in the form of a „Rock and Rebellion T-Shirts“.
To be able to order anything at the Full:Metal:Shop you have to register at Also the ones who have an account at Metaltix have to create a new one. You cannot order there till then.
Your concert tickets can be ordered at as usual and you will still get your tickets for all important festivals and tours there.
We hope to served you well.
Your W:O:A Team