This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
Free W:O:A browser extension for Chrome, Chromium and Edge!

To appease the longing for the holy ground a bit, we've come up with something new! With the free W:O:A browser extension for (for now) Chrome, Edge and other Chromium browsers, you can get a truckload of W:O:A content in your browser.
The extension replaces your start page with a highly functional W:O:A variant of the classic browser start page. The adjustable search box and the likewise adjustable quicklinks to favorites, frequently visited pages or pages from the W:O:A cosmos are framed by some of the best photos of the last festivals. And in the side navigation, the latest Wacken news, your favorites, your history and the Google apps are waiting for you.
Best of all, you don't pay anything and you can completely customize the look and functionality to suit your needs! Which standard search engine do you want for the classic search, which for shopping, videos, maps or images? Where should the search bar be, where the favorites and which quicklinks are needed? Everything listens to your command and your wishes.
At a glance - this is what you get:
- W:O:A wallpapers - choose your favorite or get surprised every day
- All current news about the W:O:A at a glance
- A freely definable search - choose your favorite providers for pictures, shopping and co.
- Search suggestions with shortcuts to your favorite sites
- An elegant display and management of your favorites
- Quicklinks to the most important pages in the W:O:A cosmos
- A one-click integration of Google services and applications
- The extension is currently available for Chrome, Edge and other Chromium browsers on desktop devices or laptops.
Solutions for Firefox, Safari and mobile devices are currently under development.
You can find the extension here - we look forward to your feedback and reviews - also in the Chrome Web Store.