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Growling Creatures - Together with Krombacher for species protection!
What do gray seals, hares, bison and gray shrike have in common? They are all rare native animal species whose survival is endangered. And they are part of the "Growling Creatures" - the first metal band made up of endangered animals.
Presented by Krombacher and the W:O:A, the Growling Creatures loudly draw attention to their threat with the help of their animal vocals - so keep your ears open!
With different songs and constellations, the endangered lead singers on their mini-EP "Growling Creatures" not only show the level of the threat, but also offer musical metal diversity:
With “Nest Destroyer”, for example, the endangered birds Kuckuck and Gray Shrikes deliver a track from the melodic death metal genre, for which greenback and Wolf contributed the guest vocals.
Natürlich sind die Growling Creatures auch beim Wacken Open Air für euch am Start. Auf allen Bühnen werden sie mit ihren Songs und Videos das Line-up ergänzen. Ihr könnte zudem exklusiv T-Shirts der tierischen Band als Andenken erstehen, deren Erlöse, genauso wie die Einnahmen aus dem Musikvertrieb, dem Naturschutzbund Deutschland gespendet werden.
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