It's getting dark with the Night To Dismember bands on Halloween!

Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus … Man, who knows how many have knocked on our door asking: When are you finally dropping the darkest, heaviest artillery you’ve got for 2025 on the (Un)Holy Ground?
The answer is: when the worlds of the living and the demon realm collide – on Halloween, Samhain, the real Christmas of Heavy Metal. So today, brace yourselves for the dark star lineup of “Night To Dismember”, and we know these names will get your blood pumping—in a good way!
Sounds insane – which is fitting –, but it has been 40 years since Macabre are slaying the mosh pits with their Murder Metal. Now they are sharpening their axe for Wacken again – history will be written that night, Metalheads. We are also long overdue to offer another legend the praise they deserve: UK slaughterhouse Benediction haven’t graced the stage here since ’98!
Brazilian legends Krisiun are flipping that script bringing back a special 90s set. Plus we have Hellbutcher, presenting a taste of Nifelheim, Black Metal warriors Svarttjern and Umbra Conscientia. And if that’s not blasphemic enough for you choirboys and choirgirls, get ready for a full plague blast late night: 1349 are set to crush you with their new album “The Wolf & The King”.
Never has a Thursday felt more like DARKNESS, my friend.