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Join Us For Our Anniversary - Information On The Presale For Wacken Open Air 2019

The weather is perfect, the atmosphere incredible and the music fantastic - W:O:A 2018 just couldn't get any better. Mostly we have to thank you for that! If it were up to us, we would just keep going. Well, in a way we are: Here is the information on the presale for Wacken Open Air 2019, our 30th anniversary! The first bands will be announced tomorrow!
The pre-sale for Wacken Open Air 2019 starts at midnight from Sunday, August 5th to Monday, August 6th, (GMT+2) exclusively on
The price will be the same, for € 210 (X-Mas Tickets, more on that below) respectively € 220 (regular tickets) you will get:
- Access to the campgrounds from Monday, July 29th 2019 (no fee)
- Camping next to your car!
- Use of all showers and toilets free of charge
- Live music from Wednesday, July 31st 2019, to Saturday, August 3rd 2019
- Over 150 acts spread across eight stages
- Comprehensive framework program with areas for topics such as the Middle Ages and End Times
First tickets on sale are, as always, the X-Mas Tickets which are limited to 10.000. The cost of an X-Mas Ticket is 210€ incl. fees (plus shipping and system fee). It does contain a free W:O:A X-Mas T-Shirt. Per sale only two X-Mas Tickets will be available.
The regular 3-day-all-in tickets cost 220€ incl. ticket fee (plus shipping and system fee). These include the same services as the X-Mas Tickets except for the t-shirt. In addition to your 3-Day-All-In Ticket you can also purchase the W:O:A 2019 Special Shirt for 16,99€.
By the way: Hanse Merkur offers a ticket insurance for € 9,50 which you can add to your order during the process. For more information click here.
Please note: The shipment of the tickets and t-shirts will start ca. middle of August!!!
Please help us by only contacting Metaltix when it's absolutely necessary. This way we can focus on getting your tickets to you as quickly as possible.