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Lordi to tour Europe in 2013!

Tour Beast Or Not Tour Beast - this is the motto of the upcoming Lordi tour in 2013 and also of the new album of the monster rockers. Their sixth studio album will be released in March and the tour will start just one month later in Hamburg. The monster rock band is most of all known for winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah".
The tour dates:
03.04.2013 Markthalle, Hamburg
04.04.2103 Eventhalle, Geiselwind
05.04.2013 Kaminwerk, Memmingen
06.04.2013 TV-Turnhalle Bieber, Offenbach
07.04.2013 Alte Seilerei, Mannheim
11.04.2013 Essigfabrik, Köln
12.04.2013 VAZ-Pfarrheim, Burglengenfeld
13.04.2013 Hellraiser, Leipzig
14.04.2013 K17, Berlin
01.05.2013 De Pul, Uden (Niederlande)
The tickets are as always available here at!
Ticket-Hotline: +49 (0) 4627 - 18 38 38