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Maps for W:O:A 2019 released

Today we release the plans for Wacken Open Air 2019!
As always, there is a camping site plan showing you the big picture, as well as the Holy Wacken Land plan, which concentrates on the actual event area.
The most important innovations and changes:
Since vehicles and tents are getting bigger and bigger, we enlarge the camping site to the north. Important: This aspect of the map will be optimized soon!
The Camping Plaza, which has already been developed over the last few years, is expanding a bit. Here you will find the wristband exchange, food stalls, our Supporter Area, our Kaufland Metal Markt, the Welcome To The Jungle and much more. The area is already accessible on Monday!
To avoid confusion, the former Metal Market on the Center is now called Nonfood Area.
Camper Island, west of Campsite M, expands the capacity of the Camper Park.
The PDFs:
You can also find the maps at Media -> Downloads -> Maps and furthermore in our App.