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Metal Battle 2022: 13 new acts for W:O:A!
The W:O:A Metal Battle is known to be the biggest international band competition in metal - and also in 2022 we're going full throttle here!
We had already announced Eye Tea, the finalist from Ukraine, and today it goes on blow by blow with thirteen more acts.
From Indonesia comes a top class Death Metal / Deathcore export - Ludicia! The band from Bali is active since 2019 and has released their debut album in early May this year. Heavy metal with synth sounds is presented to you by Múr from Iceland, who almost unanimously took first place in the jury's vote. Narrowly missing the maximum possible score, they are now off to W:O:A!
Tranatopsy will hold up the flag for Mexico. Death Metal is on the program here. From Sofia in Bulgaria the Rapcore formation Badcast makes its way to Wacken. More classic sounds are coming from Portugal, when Speedemon, a - you guessed it - Speed & Thrash Metal act, will be playing.
Japan sends with Sable Hills a metalcore formation for the grand finale to Wacken. The band is active since 2015. The United States have found their winner after some intense preliminary rounds with Mythraeum - the band plays sinister black metal.
Dark music also comes from the Netherlands: Nephylim have dedicated themselves to Melodic Death Metal and have already collected some laurels from metal reviewers. Australia and New Zealand have jointly chosen metalcore band Lycanthrope as the winner. The band left the competition behind at the national finals in Brunswick and will now soon be making their way to Europe.
Almost veterans come to us from Argentina - V.I.D.A. were already founded in 2002, so for a metal battle band they are comparatively old. Musically there is a mix of Melo Death, Thrash and Metalcore.
Kryn from Croatia are dedicated to Nu Metal and Melodic Death and their contribution is also a perfect case study for international peace - because they compete for the entirety of the states, which emerged from the former Yugoslavia. The same is true for Moral Putrefaction who will present Death Metal and represent the whole Indian subcontinent in Wacken.
Finally, there is another Melodic Death Metal bloodbath from Romania: Katara will represent their country in Wacken this year! With this, a good half of this year's Metal Battle is fixed.
We wish all finalists a lot of fun, success and a great time in Wacken!