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Metal Travel - Bus Shuttles from Hamburg and Berlin! Deadline for online booking 23.07.15!

Created by WackenHelge
Here is a hint from Metal Travel about the current booking status for shuttle busses from and to Wacken:
Some of the busses are already closed and cannot be booked online anymore.
If you don´t get the times you want, you can try it directly at the bus. We try to get you a seat, if possible or you book the next one. For the return trips on 02.08. there will be a sale again on Saturday 01.08. 12.00 - 14.00 H in Wacken at the bus stop.
To avoid any stress it´s better to purchase the tickets online soon.
Because of cancellations there are still a few hotel packages at Hotel Gardels (with and without Wacken tickets) available.
Information and online booking: