This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)! - now online!
Dear Metalheads,
we are very happy to announce that our new merchandise webshop is now online! Starting immediately, you'll find all merchandise related to the Wacken Open Air and our other events exclusively there!
In the past months of the pandemic we were very lucky that you supported us fantastically by buying W:O:A fan articles. Especially considering that, for well-known reasons, all other income has completely disappeared, this was a very big and welcome help. This support is really unique - once again you have proven that you are the best fans in the world. On behalf of the entire team, we would like to start by saying a huge "thank you"!
However, we have also noticed that the system behind our previous webshop Metaltix is now slowly but surely reaching its limits. With the support of colleagues from all departments, from production to accounting, we have been working extra shifts to ensure that your orders reach their destination as quickly as possible, even during the height of the pandemic - and yet many deliveries have taken a long time to arrive.
So it was quite clear to us that we didn't just want to sweep through and slap new paint on the walls, but to renovate the whole place properly.
Your feedback, which we have collected over time, was extremely helpful in this process and we have of course taken this into consideration in our planning. Based on this, we decided to remove the merchandise from the old Metaltix software and introduce a new, future-proof system. We also gave it a new name and a fresh look, and the result was
Don't worry: Metaltix will of course continue to exist in parallel (and will also be further optimised), but in future it will concentrate on tickets for the Wacken Open Air and other events, and with we will be focusing on our merch range.
We have made sure that your shopping experience will be as convenient as possible. Of course, you can log in directly to your customer account with your Wacken.ID and get started - you can then easily use the data you have entered (for example, in the ticket centre and in the forum) for shipping and payment on
To make things easier to use, we have modernised the layout and optimised the search function and the article categories so that you can find exactly what you are looking for more easily than before. You can collect items on your wish list for later ordering.
We have also worked on and improved a few things in the background. We have updated and modernised interfaces so that your orders can now be transferred to our warehouse more quickly and processed even more precisely. This means that your orders will leave our warehouse faster in the future.
Thank you for your support over the past months and for your trust!
See you in Wacken, rain or shine!
The entire W:O:A team