This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
Our X-Mas Calendar starts - with Gloryhammer and Myrath!
Our X-Mas calendar on has started and since midnight the first two new bands for the W: O: A 2019 are ready to be unveiled! Also the first daily raffle has started - 5x2 guest list places will be raffled for the upcoming Wacken Winter Nights 2019. There is still time to take part in the raffle, you will find it in door 1 of the calendar.
And now: Let’s talk about the bands!
Our Prince Angus McFife and his comrades return to Wacken to compete against the dark wizard Zargothrax once again! The Gloryhammer gig at the W: O: A 2016 is one of the most acclaimed shows of this edition and accordingly there will be a promotion to an infield slot in 2019 for the (positively) insane Power Metal gang. Hoots!
Since 2001, the Tunisian band Myrath mixes oriental sounds with power and progressive metal. The musicians are very active in Europe since a few year, for example they toured with Epica in 2017 and in 2018 they played their own tour. Comparisons with Orphaned Land are obvious, but should not be spared by either band - the field of "oriental metal" truly offers enough space for several great bands!