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Panels and expert talks during the Hamburg Metal Dayz 2015
On September 25th & 26th, 2015 the Hamburg Metal Dayz will start into the fourth round. From today on we want to introduce you step by step to the framework program.
Let´s begin with the panels and expert talks. 4 rounds of experts will debate during the HHMD 2015:
These are the topics:
Booking - How to bring bands on stage (Friday)
Thomas Kreidner (Seaside Touring), Jan Quiel (Seaside Touring / Metaltix), Stephan Liehr (Dong Open Air) and Tosh Rörbäk (Markthalle) will introduce you to the world of booking.
Which clubs come in question? What do you need to consider while booking a tour? How to promote a tour and find the best presenters ? Find out on Friday September 25th at 04.40pm.
Metal in Social Media – how facebook & Co. changes metal (Freitag):
Participants: Gunnar Sauermann (Season Of Mist), Jasper Ahrendt (ICS Festival Service GmbH) and Dorian Gorr (Metal Hammer), Alexander Prinz (Der Dunkle Parabelritter). The topic of this panel is the growing importance of social media channels in the music business especially in the heavy metal scene. The panel begins on Friday at 05.00pm (CET)
Fans ask the W:O:A promoters (Satuirday):
Holger Hübner & Thomas Jense answer your burning questions. What's coming up next? Which bands would they love to see at Wacken and which music they are listening to currently? Questions from the audience are obligatory! It's your turn on Saturday at 05.00pm!
How important are labels & deals these days? (Samstag):
During this English spoken panel Gunnar Sauermann (Seasons of Mist), Blaze Bayley, Carina Fromherz (AFM) and Heavy-Metal-Author Christian Krumm will talk about today's role of labels in the music business. The panel will begin at 07.20pm
Please also check out the latest trailer:
Live on stage you will see the following bands:
25.09.: Godsized, Belle La Donna, By The Patient, Kommando, Koldbrann, Mantar, God Seed
26.09.: Tenside, Belle La Donna, Axxis, Panzer, Beyond The Black, Uli Jon Roth, W.A.S.P.
Tickets are available at