This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
Police Co-Operation regarding pick pocketing 2016

Created by WackenHelge
In co-operation with the police of Wacken/Schenefeld we have created a new flyer with behavioral measures in case of pick pocketing as well as several hotlines for canceling credit cards.
Here are the most important rules of behaviour:
- let others know
- ask for help
- offer help to the victim
- report this crime immediately to the police in the W:O:A police camp (POS. 13)
- try to remember details
- stand up as a witness
- place a block on all your band- and credit cards
If you haven't travelled to Wacken by car you can additionally use our well known Safe-deposit trucks on the festival grounds. For a small donation you can keep your personal valuables safe there. (POS.#29 - see maps)
There will be four trucks (two on each of the main entrances - POS#21 on the Maps) provided by out two partner companies Carderobe and BigBox Berlin.
You can find all details about the safe deposit trucks here.
W:O:A team