This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
The Easter Shop special sale - One week to go!
On next week´s Friday and Saturday (11th of April to Saturday 12th) you can get your easter present for your family and friends. The sale takes place for the third time in a row and fitting to 25th Anniversay there will be a big bunch of new merchandise articles.
Besides several new goodies we will offer the new W:O:A 2014 collection as well as the brand new
**History Shirt - Limited Edition **
Available from April (Easter Weekend) to August 2014 only at the Wacken Merchandise Shop!
The Full:Metal:Army – our official fan club - will also be back on spot. Inform yourself about the Full:Metal:Army and become a member! The FMA Will also start a raffle together with the Wacken Foundation. Check it out and take part!
So take a look and get your Easter eggs! It´s worth a visit for all kind of travelers!
Friday and Saturday
11th & 12th of April 2014
09.00 am to 07.00 pm
W:O:A Merchandise Shop
Hauptstraße 82
25596 Wacken