This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
The starting signal for the second Wacken Music Camp is given!

Yesterday, the second edition of Wacken Music Camp has started. The Wacken Music Camp is a project promoted by the Wacken Foundation to support young musicians and those who are going to be musical active. Youths from whole Germany and the surrounding area at the age of 13 to 18 years create, compose and set their own Metalsong to music. For the first time 10 Swedish participants join the team this year!
The Wacken Music Camp is organized by Kurs 54°N e.V in cooperation with Landesverband der Musikschulen in Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Instructed by both project leaders Enno Heymann and Helmut Kolzer, the team will again be supported by some renowned coaches: Nibbs Carter of Saxon, Olman Viper (Producer, Audio-Engineer), Thomas Barth (Producer), Lasse Lammert (Killfloor Mechanic Guitarist, Producer), Florian Sommer (Producer, Songwriter, Recording / Mix and FOH Engineer) and Hajo Brockmann (Eventmanager, graphics artist) join forces to give the participants as many as possible insights into the music business.
One week the youths write songs and set their songs to music, create bandlogos and adverts as well as they will learn the basics of eventmanagement.
In our last year's summary you can get an impression of what is going on:
During the big closing concert the new founded bands present their works live – so we would be glad to welcome a huge audience!
Here is the date:
15.08.2015 at 4.00 pm
Turnhalle of the Wacken Campus (primary school),
Bokelrehmer Str. 51, 25596 Wacken
Anything else can be found here: