The Wasted Wednesday at W:O:A 2025!

Rising from the dusty grounds of the Wasteland today are seven acts that will put your brutality, speed, and pit skills to the ultimate test. Brace yourselves—things are about to get seriously heavy! Wasted Wednesday extends its bony hand to you once again, and with more than a handful of bands, this year’s edition won’t just be legendary—it will be the ultimate benchmark for those who consider themselves top-tier Metalheads.
Once again this year, legends stand side by side with newcomers, relentless blast beatsmeet soaring twin-lead guitars.
The trial will be conducted by none others like
Pentagram (Chile)
Torture Squad
3 Inches of Blood oder
Torment - a band that have long since become part of the W:O:A inventory rather than just be a mere legend.
Meanwhile Gehennah and Seven Sisters will breathe the Wacken air for the very first time.
So, who dares to step into the Wasteland with this lineup?
We’ll await you there!
Your W:O:A crew