This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
The W:O:A team wishes you a heavy new year 2023!
The year 2022 is over now. While New Year's is already being celebrated in some parts of the world, it's just around the corner here!
After the long pandemic-related break, we were finally able to celebrate the W:O:A once again this August and what a party, full of highlights it was! Slipknot, Avantasia, Arch Enemy and more than 150 other bands made the holy ground tremble during best weather conditions!
To celebrate this year one more time here is our aftermovie of W:O:A 2022 once again!
There are also various other highlights from this year on our YouTube channel WackenTV as well as complete shows as stream on demand on MagentaMusik!
We hereby finally say goodbye to 2022, say thanks for your never ending support and look forward to seeing you all again next year!
We wish you all a Heavy New Year 2023!
W:O:A team