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Wacken Foundation Camp 2015
Located directly besides the beergarden the Wacken Foundation Camp (Position # 27) again invites you to come around at the W:O:A 2015. This year we have a big Wacken Foundation information tent in the middle of the camp where we inform you about the foundation, our aims and projects. We also offer our Wacken Foundation Supporters und Sports Collection and you can take part in different activities like goal scoring and raffles. With the revenues new and upcoming metal bands will be supported. Also the Full:Metal:Army, a registered non-profit association and the official fan club of the W:O:A, will here inform the interested fans and members of the club about their work and answer all your questions. Besides that the company Killnoise, is here offering their high-end ear-plugs.
In the cozy Wacken Foundation tents next door you can sit and relax. Fronatur and Janny’s Ice Cream are offering chilling frozen yoghurt and ice cream, plus you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee at the Wacken Kaffee located in the W:O:Art tent.
Again the German bone marrow donation database (DKMS) will be present in our camp, taking saliva samples and testing people for possible bone marrow donation compatibility. Feel free to participate; your donation may save a life.
Close to our camp the pole sitting will take place again and it is already fully booked out for this year. For every hour that the participants stay on the pole, a company will donate money to us. As sponsors Schecter Guitar Research and Marshall Amplification are already confirmed. One of the five poles is reserved for our guests who spontaneously would like to climb the pole and take a picture or simply shortly enjoy the Infield view. For a little donation you can watch the festival from above.
Together with Viva con Agua we organize again a beverage container deposit collection. The volunteers from Viva con Agua collect the festival cups in the Infield while our volunteers collect the beverage containers on the campgrounds. The benefit of the deposit will be split in a half between the two organizations.
In cooperation with the Kochschule Pinneberg (cooking school) and Küchen Kate we will offer survival cooking courses again this year. Every day at 11:00 am and 5:30 pm it will be shown which food you can easily cook on festivalsg. Besides that we are offering star cooking courses at 3:30 pm on Thursday with Henning from German rock’n rollers Kärbholz, on Friday with Jörn from the thrash metallers Torment and on Sunday with the German rockers Stoneman. The income of the cooking courses which will be generated through participation fees, will benefit the Wacken Foundation.
At the booth of Gütezeichen SH of the chamber of agriculture Schleswig Holstein warm potatoes and Matjes (herring) are being offered – the northern German style.
The Tag Company will be on-site with a huge Hummer H1. Here you can get dog tags with an engraving of your choice and the matching W:O:A-badge. You can also let the company Woodcardz print your personal photo on a wooden postcard – the prices include shipping. The non-profit organizations Skate-Aid and Sea Shepherd will inform you in about their aid programs.
At the Moshpital provided by the health insurance Barmer GEK you can get your back and neck massaged for a small donation of € 2!
Jugend Gegen Aids (Youth against Aids) will inform about sexually transmitted infections and explain their exciting projects. Besides that the condoms in this year’s Full : Metal : Bags were produced in collaboration with them.
The drug-counseling service Partyprojekt Odyssee will inform you about the danger of drug use in their cozy seating accommodations, where you also can pause for breath.
Furthermore you can find the stand of Full Metal Mountain in the Wacken Foundation Camp. There are still a few free rooms available, so you maybe be able to book your heavy metal winter holiday directly at the W:O:A.
These and many other exciting projects and booths can be found in the Wacken Foundation Camp at the 26. W:O:A. For more news and information refer to our website or visit us at the Wacken Foundation Camp!