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Wacken Foundation Camp 2016
This year, you will find the Foundation Camp on (Pos. # 20) directly next to the Beergardenstage and the Metal Market. We got some organisations, partners and companies from the previous years but we also got a hand full of new stuff which we would like to present you. Underneath you will find a list with which you get a quick overview of everything you can find and what we offer in the Foundation camp. A information list for the W:O:Art – Tent will be published separately.
Wacken Foundation:
The core of the Foundation Camp will be our information point. Visitors get informed about the work of the foundation and what it stands for. Additionally, you can buy lighter, pens and other stuff with a Wacken Foundation branding.
Goal scoring & Wheel of Fortune
Try your luck on our W:O:A goal scoring wall and get nice presents for a small fee. Directly next to it, you will find our famous Wheel of Fortune, each spin guarantees one prize.
Participants who manage it to sit 6 hours on a pole, receive a W:O:A VIP-Ticket-Upgrade. Each pole is sponsored by a company which is paying an amount of money to the foundation for each hour the person is sitting on the pole.
Deposit Collecting Campaign
Volunteers of the foundation will collect cups, cans and PET-Bottles from the festival area. The money which will be generated through the deposit will flow directly into the foundations account.
External Partners
Star- & BBQ-Kochkurse
The cooking school Pinneberg is providing a kitchen and chefs who will present what else people can grill on the BBQ, even on the campground. Additionally, there will be some bands and artists preparing their favorite dish and get a bit closer to their community. (Registration Fire&Flame oder Starcooking)
Full : Metal : Army
The official community of the W:O:A will be in the Foundation Camp to be a contact for people who are interested in what the
F:M:A is doing.
Social Organisations:
Sea Shepherd
The official community of the W:O:A will be in the Foundation Camp to be a contact for people who are interested in what the F:M:A is doing.
Skate – Aid
Supports youth projects from children in conflict areas and deprived areas.
Jugend gegen Aids (Youth against Aids)
Is raising the visibility around the impact of HIV/Aids on youth. This organisation is also a part of the sponsored condoms which each festival visitor can find in their Full:Metal:Bag.
The Itzehoe hospital supervises the stand from the DKMS which will give people the opportunity to provide a saliva sample to test if they have the compatibility of a bone marrow donation.
presents their work on how they make it bearable for homeless people to survive the night without a roof over their heads. The company creates Sheltersuits (out of used sleeping bags and tents) which get provided homeless people without any charges
Viva con Agua
Presents their organisation which commits to establish access to clean water and basic sanitation for people worldwide.
Stiftung Mensch
Shows the work from their sheltered workshops.
Wacken Kaffee
Offers fresh roasted coffee from Wacken.
Presents the modern tea culture and offers tea and herb specialities. Furthermore, they will create a new W:O:A tea in cooperation with the visitors.
Schleswig-Holstein the chamber of agriculture sells dishes from the regional area.
Frozen Joghurt
The young startup company sells bio Frozen Yogurt. It’s not just delicious yoghurt you’ll buy, you also support the World Hunger Aid which receives a fixed amount of money per sold cup.
Obsthof Viets
Sells fresh fruity apple juice from the “old land” , the income will go straight into the Wacken Foundation.
The Tag Company
sells Dog-Tags with personalised gravure.
Presents and sells wooden post cards which you can print with your own Wacken photos and send to your friends and family
Will present and sell the sports collection and the Wacken Foundation Merchandise.