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Wacken Foundation Camp 2017
Like every year, the Wacken Foundation is represented at the W:O:A 2017 by their Wacken Foundation Camp. It extends around the information booth, where you can learn everything about the foundation. Here you can buy merchandise of the Wacken Foundation and charge your phone at the Electric Hotel station, participate at the goal scoring wall or spin the Wheel of Fortune. Again, the Wacken Wall will be placed in the camp. Right next to it you’ll find the Love Locks booth, where you can get your personal love lock embossed and perpetuate yourself on the grid of the Wacken Wall. They also sell gift cards for Stones of the Wall, the so called „BrickCards“ can be given away as a present and redeemed in the online shop. Of course, the Wacken Foundation will host the pole sitting again. All proceeds will be used to support the hard rock and metal scene.
The Full:Metal:Army will settle in the camp as well and inform you about their non-profit work and everything there is to know about the official fan club of the W:O:A.
The Association Jugend gegen Aids(Youth against Aids) will also be there. It’s their goal to get the issue of HIV/Aids back in the minds of young people. To reach that, they enlighten people in unconventional ways about STDs and inform you about their projects.
Skate-Aid, Sea Sheperd and Viva con Agua will gladly explain their non-profit projects to you and how you can contribute. At the booth of the DKMS you can give a saliva sample and get registered as a bone marrow donor. The more people get registered, the better blood cancer can be fought.
From good cause to good taste: If you need a break, you can get some delicious Wacken Kaffee in the camp. The Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein and Obsthof Viets will provide for your sustenance as well.
If you want to learn, how you never have to go without culinary pleasure again, even when you’re on a festival, you should come to the Survival Cooking. The cooking courses will take place twice a day. You can also purchase a participant place for one of our Meet & Eat cooking courses by auction. This year Beyond the Black, Steak Number Eight and the DJs of the Ballroom Hamburg will cook with fans. This year it’s called “Meet & Eat” and there is one every day. The proceeds of the attendance fees and the bids will go to the Wacken Foundation completely. All cooking courses are hosted by the Kochschule Pinneberg and Küchen Küchen Kate Fenske. Information about the Meet & Eats as well as the Survival Cookings
If you’re looking for another way to forget about the festival routine for a while or just something to pass the time until the next band plays, you can stop by at the booth of Magierspiele, dive into a fantasy world and kill time while playing table games. If you feel more like a private party, you are welcome to use the Teledisko. You will also find a booth of the Werner Rennen at our camp, as well as one of the SAC Superlative Adventure Club, which will inform you about their different ralleys and charities. The Scuddy team will present to you their foldable high-performance scooter. At the Tag Company booth you can get dog-tags embossed with your personalized engraving plus a W:O:A tag. Parts of the proceeds will benefit the Wacken Foundation.
Needless to say, the W:O*Art tent will be part of the camp as well. You can find information about this year‘s attractions and artists in the separate news article.
See you in August!