This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
We need your help — Be part of the W:O:A-History!

Dear Metalheads,
right now we're assorting material from nearly 25 years of W:O:A for our anniversary in 2014 and to bring you an exciting historical summary in the near future.
In return we need your help! Do you own old T-Shirts, beercups, photos etc.? If yes, please send us pictures of it!
In particular we're searching for pictures of the following items
— all kinds of wristbands
— tickets
— backstage-pass
— T-shirt designs
— photos from 1990 to 2010
Also things like maps, flyer, programmes etc. from the early years would be interesting to see.
It generally applies that: The older, the better!
Notes for the photos:
— please send pictures in high resolution (300 dpi or good photos/scans)
— make sure that the photo of your beercup has a white background (like in the example on this page)
— please take a photo of the front design of your t-shirt (like in the example on this page)
Please don't send your complete photoarchive, but "only" pictures that show something special that could be interesting to other fans, too (like scens from the camp ground, quality bandphotos etc.)
From the years 1990 to 2010 generally EVERY photo is interesting!
Feel free to send your material to Files up to 25 MB can be received. So please send separate mails or use services like if you want to send bigger files.
One last hint: By sending in any material you agree that we use it for the presentation of the Wacken-History (online and printed). Unfortunately we can't assure you that your name will be mentioned, but we'll do our best.
Thank you very much for your help!
Yours W:O:A-Team