This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
W:O:A X-Mas Shop - Special Sale 2014 on December 05th & 06th, 2014!

Winter and therefore also X-mas are coming closer with big steps.
Besides the blood donation campaign in Itzehoe and the Metaltörn in Hamburg on the same weekend we will open the doors for the next special X-Mas sale on Friday, December 05th and Saturday, December 06th 2014 at the W:O:A Merchandise Shop (former Info Office) in Wacken!
On both days you can shop till you drop from 09.00 am to 07.00 pm!
Wacken merchandise with special discounts, fan stuff and the new W:O:A 2015 collection including W:O:A 2015 T-Shirts or winter clothings like jackets, wollie hats, gloves, scrafs and more! Here you can find something for everybody!
The Full:Metal:Army – our official fan club - will also be back on spot. Inform yourself about the Full:Metal:Army and become a member!
The price battle is not only fought by the W:O:A. The Battle-Merchant in Wacken is also selling remaining stock, unique pieces and articles for hobbyists with a discount of up to 60%!
The whole range of products will also be sold with a minimum discount of 10%! The Battle Merchant can be found at Street "Gehrn 4” in Wacken
From the 05th to the 06th of November (09.00 am - 07.00 pm) Be there or be square!
W:O:A Info Office
Hauptstr. 82 – 25596 Wacken
Tel.: 04827-99 85 99
Friday & Saturday 09.00 am - 06.00 pm