This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
X-MAS Calendar - The last daily winners
As promised we will announce the last 5 daily winners from the 24th of december!
And here are the 5 winners of the 24.12.2011:
Martin W - Dannstadt
Dominic P - Schwaikheim
Patrick D - Weissach - flacht
Torsten L - Saarwellingen
Gerald W - Lünne
All winners were already informed per mail!
But we still haven´t reached the end! The jackpot is still unraffled! If you have all 24 correct letters (hidden in the daily questions) you have to build the great x-mas solution word 2011.
If you think you have the correct answer than send it (including your complete address!!!) until the 1st of january 2012 to
If you will be one of the lucky winners you will get one of the following amazing main prizes:
1 Epiphone Guitar with W:O:A 2011 brand.
1 OverKill signed W:O:A 2010 Guitar
1 Coke Zero Cooler
1 Relentless Cooler – powered by Relentless
1 Becks Perfect Draft (Phillips) including 6 Litre Beer Barrel - powered by Becks
1 High quality headphones – powered by Becks
1 Frei.Wild – Allein Nach Vorn (Händemeer) Collectors Edition Book incl. 2 DVD´s and one Cd
1 Metal Travel Voucher worth 250€ - powered by Mondial events
1 Motörhead Collectors Bundle (standard) - powered by UDR Music
1 Motörhead Collectors Bundle (deluxe) - powered by UDR Music
2 Yamaha Pockettrack Recorder powered by Rock Shop
Pictures and info can be found under PRIZES in the calendar
The calendar can be found under