…Dear Metalheads,
The new W:O:A flash animation maps are online. With these maps you can quickly and easily find all the important points on the camping site map and the festival site maps. Per click you can get all…
Incredible!! Wacken is SOLD OUT!
… thank you all for your loyalty and support.
In the coming weeks we will publish campsite maps, running orders and contents of the Full Metal Bag.
Further W:O:A events are the W:O:A Roadshow with…
Festival und Campground maps online!
…The maps for the W:O:A 2007 are online now.
W:O:A 2007 - Maps
Camping- and Festivalarea Maps
…You can now download the maps of the camping- and festivalarea!
Link: W:O:A Maps
Update: Campingmap and festivalmap as download...
…From now you´re able to download and print the current festival map and the camping map. With the maps it´s easier to find you camping site and all you want to see at the W:O:A 2004
Here´s the download: W:O:A…