… grounds. For a small donation you can keep your personal valuables safe there. (POS.#29 - see maps)
There will be four trucks (two on each of the main entrances - POS#21 on the Maps) provided by out…
Get the official Wacken Open Air App!
… where!
My Festival Area – save your favorite acts and get a reminder to walk to the stages in time
Maps - detailed festival area maps
WackenTV - Videos from the holy ground
Social Media - Facebook and…
Beck’s Pre-Order at the W:O:A camping grounds
… W:O:A the pre-order counters are the supermarkets at the shower camps. (You find them on the maps). Just write an e-mail including your name and the number of trays to preoder@wacken.com and the beer…
W:O:A Opening Hours 2016
…Yesterday we've released the festival maps and today we supply you with the fitting opening hours!
Holy Wacken Land & Campingsite Maps 2016
…Today we can supply you with the brand new Holy Wacken Land & Camping Site maps! Further we give more detailed information about all the changes at the festival area.
Recharging your mobile phone at the W:O:A 2015
… are offered there. Both stands are situated outside of the Wackinger Village exit (POS# 69 - see maps
W:O:A Walkthrough Guide Part 3 - Final check list
… on the festival area? For better orientation we can recommend our Holy Wacken Land and Campingsite Maps
- Never miss the bus again? All shuttle bus times from the train station Itzehoe to Wacken and back can…
Reminder: W:O:A App 2015
… official W:O:A app for Android & iOS devices got a little update today and can now show you the maps of the festival.
If you haven't installed the app yet, you should do it now while you are still in…
Police co-operation regarding pick pocketing 2015
… grounds. For a small donation you can keep your personal valuables safe there. (POS.#29 - see maps)
Information about the safe deposit trucks can be found HERE
W:O:A team
Festival plans and infrastructure improvements 2015
…Today we can finally present you the festival maps for the W:O:A 2015 and a few changes regarding the setup of the event. The maps for the official App will follow later this month.