Please only use your vehicles in urgent emergencies so that we can protect the areas and paths. Thank you for your support.
Occasional lightning possible. Please take appropriate precautions. We will keep you up to date.
We are expecting heavy rain showers in the near future.
Please prepare yourselves accordingly.
The toilets to the left of the FASTER Stage are currently too crowded. Please use other toilets!
The entrances to the LOUDER Stage will be closed due to overcrowding. Please go to the other stages to avoid any accidents. Thank you for your understanding!
The motorway closing on the A23 has now been removed and the route is open to traffic again.
The A23 is currently closed in the southbound direction between Hanerau-Hademarschen and Schenefeld due to a serious traffic accident. Please follow your assigned routes to avoid the traffic jam.
There was a fire in the Camping Plaza area this morning, which was quickly extinguished by the fire department.
The festival is currently running without any significant disturbances.