Wacken Store & Info Office
In addition to our Online Shop at Metalmerch the Wacken Store in Wacken is your placec to go if you need official merchandise.
There you can shop till you drop! W:O:A merch for special price, fan articles and also the new W:O:A collection.
Please also watch out for our upcoming special sale such as the X-Mas and Easter Office special sales with raffles, discounts and limited edition merch sales. Those sales will be announced in our news section and also on this page!
Adress Wacken Store: Hauptstraße 82 | 25596 Wacken
During the festival week the W:O:A Info Office becomes the villages official lynchpin outside of the festival area. Wether you need info about the festival, merch or a helping hand for your problems - this is your place to go and also a good meeting point in case of that you´ve lost your friends in the masses.
Due to the prominent appearance (crowned by the W:O:A tower in the background) this is the easiest to find place in Wacken.
The team on spot is always anxious to help in word and deed. You can also find a cashpoint, Merchandise in masses, drinks and munchies as well as a phone booth and the possiblity to recharge your mobile phones.
In short this means the team is taking care of you!
During the festival week the store has opened 24/7.